Thursday, July 12, 2012

04 : Malay Crackers Making Part 1

We went to the housing factory of Malay crackers production on the second day. Making and selling the Malay crackers is also the major income of the women in Tanjung Karang. The worker say that there are not specific working hours for them since they are working according to the orders of customer. They need to work overtime till night too if the orders is too much especially near the Malay Raya period.  

They are making pineapple tarts when we arrived. The making is recorded in video which will be uploaded soon. Stay tuned and enjoy the photos first.

The pineapple tarts.

It's look nice.

Egg pulp is being smear onto the surface before it
send to bake to increase the shininess and color of the
 pineapple tarts.

Final arrange of the pineapple tarts before send into
oven to make sure it won't stick together.

Half-baked pineapple tarts.

This is the fully baked pineapple tarts!

Then, it's time for us to join. It's open to us to try to make the tastespotting (Kuih Bahulu in Malay). It's very easy. 
First, smear the oil onto the mold so that the tastespotting will not stick on the mold later.
Then, take one spoon of the mixed pulp and pour it evenly into the mold.
Last, put it into oven.

Smear the oil onto the mold.
We use the fish mold.

The ingredient of tastespotting is
actually egg and  fine sugar only.

Another trial people. He still pouring
the mixed  pulp into the mold.

Send it into oven and baked for few minutes.

The baked "fish" is then being take out from
 the mold and put into the basket for cooling.

The cool off "fish" is then pour onto this
 net "table" for packaging process.
The packaging process is also done manually by human hand .

There are so many "fishes" fully baked
 within short times. 

There are 10 fishes in one package.

There are another shape of tastespotting also.

This is the result of another mold which we didn't
have the change to make it. The ingredient is a bit
different and the texture a bit denser than the
previous "fishes".

I found some tastespotting in the refrigerator!
I wonder is it taste nicer in cold?

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