Thursday, July 12, 2012

01 : Kite Making Part 3

Everyone of us busy to make our own kite.

This pretty girl named Atiqah.
She even thinning the bamboo by herself because
 the skeletons prepared for us is not enough.

Everyone started to stick their kite's frame to their chosen color paper. The kite was done after finish " dressing" it up.

Since everyone have done their own kite, we gonna have a try of it! The villagers call two lorries come and fetch all of us to the beach to fly our kite. What? two LORRIES? Yes! two lorries fetch us to the beach! A very nice experience and memory! It was just so nice to sit at the back of the lorry with the wind blow on your face and beautiful paddy field landscape by the side and some more the sunset on the sky ! It's was just too nice!

It's seem like lecturer gonna sell them off?
Around us is all the greenish things and make the 
air and our mind very fresh.
The sunset is so enchanting and yet it is view 
from the back of the lorry.

## Extra of the day : 

Can you see that there are cane inside? Suddenly have cane pass around within us while we waiting for the kite making. Some of us try to bite it but can't get to eat I think?

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